Adventure Island 3

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Adventure Island 3
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Jeannie Jungle has been captured by aliens! She's stranded somewhere on one of eight islands. As the somewhat heroic Master Higgins, you must find her. But be careful - each island is guarded by an enormous creature that's very hungry! Fortunately, you have a little help. There are five kinds of friendly dinosaurs waiting to give you a lift. They're stuck in eggs that you'll need to crack open! Hidden eggs are scattered all over the islands. By finding and breaking them open, you might get a bonus, or even a secret way to the next island! Just don't eat the eggplant! Hop on one of your dinosaur pals, and ride your way to Jeannie's rescue!Adventure Island 3 is nearly identical in gameplay and graphical style to Adventure Island 2. It seems to have been developed on the same game engine of the previous installment. However, with new levels, a new story, a new dinosaur type (Tripetaurus, who "really knows how to roll") and some new characters/enemies... it's still a popular entry in the series.


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