Parodius Da!

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Parodius Da!
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'It's Parodius!: From Myth to Laughter' is the second title in the Parodius series produced by Konami and a variant port of the arcade release. The gameplay is stylistically very similar to the Gradius series, but it is really a mash-up which pays homage to a few other famous Konami games as well. The character design and style is intentionally absurd. Parodius Da! offers selectability of different weapon configurations via four different characters: Vic Viper (from Gradius), Octopus (with weapons similiar to 'Life Force' aka 'Salamander'), Twin Bee (also known from the NES game 'Stinger'), and Pentarou (a penguin). The iconic 'Bells' from the 'Twinbee' series also make an appearance and act as bonus items; destroying every enemy on screen, firing protective beams of energy, giving you a 1Up, etc. Enemies and environments from the Gradius games and Twinbee are mixed in along with a host of anime-style opponents. This game was also ported to the Super Famicom with a few unique differences.


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