Side Pocket

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Side Pocket
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The single player mode, called "Pocket", requires that the player clear all the balls off the table in a limited number of shots, as well as achieve a predetermined score. The player earns points by sinking balls, sinking balls on consecutive shots, and sinking balls in numerical order. On occasion, a pocket will light up, and if the player sinks a ball into that pocket on that shot, a bonus will be earned in the form of points, extra shots, or a chance to earn either by doing a "trick" shot. In the 2-player "pocket" mode, the game plays similarly, except the two players take turns; if one player does not pocket a ball or scratches, control of the ball changes to the other player. There is also a Nine Ball mode, but it may only be played with two players. A variety of "trick shot" challenges are also available to the player, requiring the player sink all balls into select pockets using a single shot.


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