Snake's Revenge

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Snake's Revenge
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Snake's Revenge plays essentially like an updated version of the original Metal Gear. Aspects from the MSX Metal Gear that were missing from the first NES game (such as the ability to take food and ammo by punching enemies or the double exclamation mark alert) were restored in Snake's Revenge. The actual Metal Gear mecha (which was missing in the first NES game) makes an appearance along with a new prototype. The game also has more varied locations than the first Metal Gear, such as a jungle, a warehouse, a transport train and a cargo ship filled with smaller mass-produced Metal Gear units. The player can now choose between punching or using a knife for a quick kill (in doing so, the player won't get food or ammo from enemies in Infiltration Mode). Many of the weapons from the original game are carried over to Snake's Revenge, as well as new weapons such as a shotgun and a flare gun for visibility in the dark.


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